Components are reusable Vue instances with custom HTML elements. Components can be reused as many times as you want or used in another component, making it a child component. Data, computed, watch, and methods can be used in a Vue component. A website page creates by using of different-2 components.
Syntax Of Components.
<template> <div> //write code here. </div> </template> <script> export default { name: "Create", components: { }, props: {}, data() { return { empployeeCreateFormAction: `${this.$serverUrl}employee/create`, employee: { first_name: "", last_name: "", email: "", mobile: "", password: "", }, }; }, methods: { submitForm: function() { //here you can define methods loigcs. }, }, beforeMount() { // this.empployeeCreateFormAction = `${this.$appName}`; }, beforeCreate: function() { //console.log(this.empployeeCreateFormAction); Note Working because this funation will be intialize after mounter console.log(this.$appName); console.log(this.$serverUrl); }, }; </script>