Git is a Version Control. Which invented by Linus Torvalds . Git is a software tool that is used to track changes in files. Git is version Control . Below we have show listed most useful command of GIT .

For the Start using of Git . we have to create a account in Github Website . After that we will learn about how to use of GIT and GITHUB. Click the below ling and create or login in Github Website

When You complete the registration of GITHUB . After that you have to install GITBASH in our local machine . Here I want to tell you . You can use GITHUB GUI or GITBASH or else BOTH . As per Convenience . But Here I will use of GITBASH . Here we have listed most useful command of GIT . These command you have to run on GITBASH before start the work and after close the work .

  1. Git Status.
  2. Git add .
  3. Git Commit -m "your message"
  4. Git push origin branch_name
  5. Git pull origin master

First of all, you have to create a repository. You can click this link and create .

You can give your repository name as you want, mostly developers name of the repository the same as their project name. . you can put your project description . You can define your project accessbily like Public and Private. If you want to anyone can access your project you can define public otherwise define private .