How we check whether a number is Prime or not?

In this example we will learn about prime number. What is prime number and how to check whether a number is prime or not? [...]

How to sort an array in ascending order?

In this tutorial, we will learn how to sort an array in ascending order. mostly in the programming language are provide an inbuilt function for sorting or more. But we will not use that inbuilt method we will use the core method or logic for that. [...]

How to check even or odd number?

In this tutorial we will see how to check a number is even or odd. This is basic type of programs. [...]

Calculate Sum of Digits using php.

This is a small PHP tutorial on how to calculate the sum of digits using php? Mostly this type of program or logic we have to need where we want to have some effect on alternatively. [...]

Program to swap two numbers without using a third variable.

Program to swap two numbers without using a third variable. [...]