How to use construct magic method in php?

All method in php which start with double underscore they are called magic method in php . first we learn __construct() method . here we will learn about __construct() method like Syntax of __construct() method , use of construct method , how to initialized a class properties using construct method .

Syntax of __construct() method .

 class dbmodel{
    public function __construct(){
 		/* write code here */

Construct method execute automatically when the object of class will initialize . Lets see and understand with a example .

 class dbmodel{
	public function __construct(){
 		echo "you are inside in construct method <br />";
	 public function insert(){
	    echo "you are inside in insert method"; 
 $db_obj = new dbmodel;

Here in this example we define a "dbmodel" class and inside this class create a construct and insert method . So we prepare all code . Now we create object of "dbmodel" class and access the insert method . when call the insert method , then construct method is made automatically with the insert method . and get the response like below .

Output :

you are inside in construct method
you are inside in insert method

lets see the next example and understand . we can initialize the class properties using __construct() method .

 class dbmodel{

	public $welcome = '';
	public function __construct($welcome){
 		$this->welcome = $welcome;
		echo $this->welcome."<br />";
	 public function insert(){
	    echo "you are inside in insert method"; 
 $db_obj = new dbmodel("hello , welcome in jswebsolutions .");