In the Article we will learn about javascript Array and Object. We will learn , what is javascript array and object , Syntax of javascript array and object , Work of javascript array and object , etc . so lets start .
What is Array :
Array is type of variable , which store same and different data type of multiple variable. Array element start from 0 poisiton.
Syntax of Array :
var array_name = [item1, item2, ...]; //define array with same data type of variable. var language = ["PHP", "Javascript", "Jquery" , "HTML" , "CSS" , "AJAX"]; //define array with different data type of variable. var item = ["PHP", 2, "Jquery" , 3 , "CSS" , 4]; //print array in console conasole.log(item); //pick the specific item from array console.log(item[0]); console.log(item[1]); console.log(item[2]);
What is Javascript Object :
A javaScript object is an entity having state and behavior (properties and method). For example: car, pen, bike, chair, glass, keyboard, monitor etc. JavaScript is an object-based language. Everything is an object in JavaScript..
Syntax of Javascript Object :
var person = {f_name:"jitendra", l_name:"sahu", age:"23"}; //print the object console.log(person) //print the specific object element console.log(person.f_name); console.log(person.l_name) console.log(person.age) //define array of object var persons = [ {f_name:"jitendra", l_name:"sahu", age:"23"} , {f_name:"jitendra", l_name:"sahu", age:"23"} ]; //print the array of object console.log(persons); //print the single object from array console.log(persons[0]); //print the element of object from array of object console.log(persons[0].f_name); console.log(persons[0].l_name); console.log(persons[0].age);